Dear diary,
On friday, the last day of the exchange, we gathered at school. After some technical maintenance it was time for the dutchies to show their presentation. First we had a fun quiz about dutch things and food tasting. After that we all gave a presentation about the Italian cultœerrr. In between we had some time for some chitchat and snacks. When we got back to the classroom the Italian students had prepared a lovely little game called “Nethertuscanopoly”, it was a spin-off/hybrid from various games with a lot of trivia and main goal was to finish first. After some nerfwrecking play time we stopped and went outside to go home and lunch with the families. Then we went back to school to say some heartbreaking goodbyes and after alot of sad faces we finally went to the airport. At the airport we checked in and looked around for some bittergarniuurtjes. We boarded the plane at half past 4 and we landed 7 o’clock. We are back in the Netherlands, this week was amazing, so much fun, just the best, luf it, this was your captain speaking, thanks for reading!
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